Absolutely! At TweetPeek, we take security close to heart. We adhere to the highest standards of data protection to ensure your information remains confidential and secure. We do not share your personal data with third parties.
SmartFollows are our AI-driven suggestions to follow on Twitter. Based on your preferences, interests or chosen keywords, TweetPeek will find the most relevant profiles which are most likely to followback and follow them automatically. You never have to waste time navigating profiles and choosing who to follow.
SmartUnfollows shows analytics about people you are following and those who haven't followed back. And it gives you the option to unfollow these people within Twitter limits. It also notifies you whenever someone you've followed unfollows you. There are also some neat analytics filters. Cool right!
Want more engagement with someone? Click a button and get the best engaging reply to one of their tweets, or an even better mention opening an interesting conversation, just like that.
SmartPeeks are credits for insights derived from our AI’s analysis of a chosen Twitter profile or for SmartNudges. This includes information regarding the category of the profile, the sentiment of their tweets, how likely they are to engage and follow back and many other insights. It’s like having a personal assistant to navigate and interpret the vast universe of Twitter data.
Yes! We fully operate within Twitter's terms and limitations.
Yes absolutely, you can use TweetPeek with multiple accounts, but only one at a time. SmartFollows will continue working on whichever Twitter account you switch to. To stop SmartFollows, please deactivate it whenever you switch between accounts.