Grow your Twitter with Real People!

Follow the best people with AI.
Targeted Growth, Smart Analytics.

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See how SmartFollows works 👇

How some Twitter / X profiles grow so quickly?

Main Features

Explore TweetPeek's unique features designed to make your Twitter growth simple and effective.


Main Features

TweetPeek.AI – the intelligent choice for growth


Follows people you like, and unfollows if they're not in your interests, if they don't follow back, or if you choose to.


Analyses your following and who isn't following back. Engage, or unfollow them. Take control of your socials.


Engagement is key on social media. When you can't find the right words to grab attention, nudge them.


Analyze Twitter profiles with one click to see what they tweet about, follow-back likelihood, interests, etc.

Let TweetPeek grow your followers now!

Whether you're dipping your toes or ready for the deep dive, we've got a plan for you.

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One User

Unlimited SmartFollows 2x Speed

Unlimited SmartUnfollows

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Unlimited SmartFollows 5x Speed

Unlimited SmartUnfollows with Filters

100 Smart Peeks / Nudges per month

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The TweetPeek Effect

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